Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Sperm During Menstration

Piazza Kurdistan 2010: report of a day in Rome

Una piazza di Roma animata dai colori delle bandiere e degli striscioni dei Kurdi, dal movimento rotante delle loro danze in cerchio, scandite dal ritmo dei loro tamburi, infervorate dalle note toccanti dei loro canti di nostalgia e di lotta, interrotte dai loro slogan determinati e combattivi, e poi tante voci che prendevano la parola, in kurdo, in turco, in italiano, ad esprimere l’incontro tra la lotta del popolo kurdo e la solidarietà italiana: questo è quanto ha accomunato le giornate di piazza Kurdistan del 1998 e la manifestazione di piazza Kurdistan di ieri, 13 novembre 2010. In mezzo: dodici anni. Dodici anni, prima dei quali in Italia ben pochi sapevano chi fossero i Kurdi, e durante i quali, invece, si è dipanata una intensa traiettoria ininterrotta di iniziative in tutti i campi: la solidarietà politica; i continui incontri diretti con l’associazionismo kurdo tramite delegazioni, viaggi organizzati, presenze come osservatori in tribunale ai processi e durante le elezioni; la cooperazione socio-economica tramite progetti di sostegno allo sviluppo e servizi sociali finanziati da ONG ed Enti locali italiani in collaborazione con le Municipalità kurde; l’aiuto alle vittime della repressione e del carcere; le attività cultural (translation and publication of books, films, musical performances, exhibitions, conferences ...).
The voices of those who took the microphone yesterday have evoked "those" days of 1998, but also the road traveled since then, and reiterated the urgent need to be side by side even today, as the trial of the Company Civil keeps thousands of Kurds in jail and / or on the bar of the defendants. The process of Diyarbakir, which began Oct. 18, was adjourned until January 13, 2011: that date will be a new opportunity to show our solidarity ..
background Celio military hospital where Ocalan had been "admitted" as soon after his landing at Heathrow on the evening of 12 XI 1998, and in front of a large poster depicting Dino Frisullo and affix a plaque Celimontana square renamed in "square Kurdistan," Luisa Morgantini (at that time but had not yet MEP manager of Assopace) recalled those days, followed by Luigi Saraceni, then together with Ocalan's lawyer Giuliano Pisapia, and Arturo Salerni, one of the lawyers, along with the SAAM (Association for Legal Studies on Immigration) had won the case against Italian government granted political asylum to Ocalan, but ... too late, when the timid and cowardly Italy Europe had left him in its claws turkish state, renouncing to seize this extraordinary opportunity for the Kurdish question found the solution in its natural place within the international community. And Walter De Cesaris, then the Italian Parliament, explained why the Italian volte-face had happened: after the heady days of square Celimontana peacefully invaded by Italians and Kurds, and after the first successes and the great hopes raised (see: Massimo Giannetti, " The joy of the Kurds to Celio. Kurdistan Party on the square, "il manifesto", 21 XI 1998, now at: http://www.mesopotamia-ita.com/dino/0_Pages/052_OCAL/wh.html), Turkey , backed by the U.S., launched its heavy and relentless counter offensive, political, diplomatic, - above all - economic, "whether Italy and Europe want to do business with us ...". And the Italy of the economic powers had made its voice heard, the logic of the "business" had prevailed over that of law and democracy, the government had succumbed to blackmail.
One difference, however, has unfortunately also made the square from Kurdistan yesterday that at that time: yesterday the Italian presence, numerically, was very limited. What is in no way diminished the enthusiasm and fervor with which the Kurds were thrown into the vortex of their dances and sang their songs, not only in the afternoon, the streets, but then in the evening and late at night, in the courtyard of their "Center Ararat ", Largo Dino Frisullo to Testaccio, where to stay and live their difficult stories of asylum seekers, in continuous concern in the Sword of Damocles of the Italian legislation today. A real little Newroz, around the high flames of a bonfire, followed also by strong political meeting with a Kurdish leader came from abroad. But the little Italian presence, if he has not discouraged the Kurds, should make us reflect on the "health" of the movement and the desire to participate and meet the current society of our day.


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