Monday, December 22, 2008

Cobalt Ss Remote Problem

Ex Cemamit, that in a civilized country should not exist ...

Finally, after very hard work that is ready can be defined as the "piece" the most important years of our civil service, the coverage of the Ex Cemamit ...
First we thank all those who worked with us, allowing us to complete this work by the respondents, the police and proviciale Maurizio Lisi Valerio Costantini who have guided us on places to take pictures and filming.
History dela Cemamit began in the early '60s wave of investments that were supposed to "empower" industrially noon.
In most of its work between the 70s and 80s, the factory employed over 200 workers were in Cemamit was produced through the processing of asbestos dust, asbestos cement for the construction industry.
must imagine the hundreds of workers who spend eight or more hours per day in these rooms saturated with asbestos dust and without any protection. We must denounce
of that period, the total disregard for the personal protective equipment the ease with which safety issues were addressed and economic opportunism of those who would invest in security, because if it is still true that it was not clear who was running the risk for exposure to asbestos, there were already regulations to be followed for those who worked in places with a high concentration of dust.
Complaint, which also covers the news today because this lack of interest this light and this opportunity are because of the hundreds of deaths a year on the job, true national evil.

Because of respirable dust in the Cemamit stramaggioranza Cemamit of former workers have contracted asbestos-related diseases and to date 20 of them died.

E 'was amply demonstrated that even low exposure to asbestos can cause serious illness and that there is a correlation between the presence of asbestos and concentration of cancer among the population and the higher the presence of' The higher the concentration of asbestos related diseases.
E 'scandalous that more than 20 years with determining exposure hazards of asbestos and more than 10 seizure by the putting in of the establishment of the former Cemamit still nothing has been done to reclaim the territory.
is also unworthy of a civilized country, one area such as the station Ferentino inhabited by thousands of citizens are affected by the presence of larger quantity of asbestos ever seized in Italy, with the presence of two plants: the former and the former Cemamit Italfornaci. The latter, inter alia, a few dozen meters from a kindergarten, a chapel and the railway station where each day hundreds of commuters travel.
Following the interview the President of the Chambers County. Francesco Scalia that acknowledging the existence of a genuine emergency asbestos in the Province, he admits the lack of funds and expertise to perform the reclamation of the former and the former Italfornaci Cemamit ... and the years pass ...

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Panasonic Sdr H60p Ac Adapter

Local authorities disregard the invitation of the Lazio region in signaling the presence of asbestos in public buildings!

reference to the draft of the Lazio Region to map the area affected by the presence asbestos, information here , one month after the activation of the project we read the news shocked that government agencies are among those who have given a totally inadequate response to the appeal of the region to indicate the presence of asbestos at 'internal structures ...

The disposal of asbestos is part of the broader issues of health and the environment. If the public sector is not the first to consider the health of citizens and protecting the environment, ignoring a fact often appeal to a committee which the Region, we wonder what are the lessons to be learned from this lax attitude of local authorities and if the Their function is really the to improve the lives of citizens such as the constitution and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
addition, the Lazio Region has generated a set of user-friendly for the presence of asbestos. For information contact: Team Mapping Asbestos-Lazio tel.0761-5185239, e-mail @ mappa.amianto
You can also consult the websites: and

remember that the reporting by public bodies should be sent to the Region by 31/12/2008 ...

Monday, December 1, 2008

Rbk Premier Iii Complete Set


As of December 15 my book on Gettysburg will have a new cover, because I signed a new contract with the publisher ITALY EDITRICE.Questo may not seem significant in the economy of the book that in fact (at least for now) instead inalterato.Rappresenta remains a significant step forward, because when a project you really believe, somehow you manage to get somewhere parte.Lo as a step forward for the dissemination of knowledge of this important historical event . I want to thank my editor here Giancarlo Arcanum gave me an almost unconditional faith in what for us since the beginning of the year entrambi.Per new real challenge for me that I wrote the book and who sincerely believe in spreading the American Civil War and his knowledge and that he believed in the past me.In maybe all this would not have been possible, but Today I do not think that this is impossible, it shows me the growing number of people who contacted me just to ask me questions, or who may have read the book when she was a version pilota.Adesso it is certainly different, in the sense that we must take greater account of what are the needs of mercato.Questa prospect does not scare me at all in fact represents another challenge for me has always been accustomed to raccoglierle.Dovrebbe stimulate me, I must be honest a dare ulteriore spazio a questo blog,anche perchè,Internet ha dimostrato è stà dimostrando di essere una grande possibilità per il lavoro che mi attende e con questo intento ho deciso di continuare il mio percorso.

Friday, November 28, 2008

How Many Calories In Betty Crocker Brownies?

Italy and the American Civil War trench warfare

In the beginning it was just Raimondo Luraghi.Until 1966,little or nothing was known in Italy about the American Civil War,until this scholar and former soldier in the WW2 raised the interest in it.During an interview released at the national Radio he stated that when he was a boy,in the '30s he ventured in the pages of a German encyclopedia ,that had been translated into Italian,which devoted 5 pages to the Irrepressible Conflict.In 1959 he watched the Ford-Wayne THE HORSE SOLDIERS . This movie gripped him and as for a kind of magic he was thrown into a world from where in his words there was no going back.He was bound to USA where he stayed about 6 years and when he finished his research and travel he came back in 1966,with a 1200 pages book:STORIA DELLA GUERRA CIVILE AMERICANA,the History of the American Civil War.More than 40 years have passed by ,but also if the author has piled on more and more titles in his output, this job has remained unsurpassed,but above all has found no heir.Nobody after Luraghi wrote about the American Civil War.Why this?It is difficult to give a satysfing answer to this question and probably even if one succeds to do so this will not prevent us from asking further questions.The time when Luraghi wrote the book was ripe in Italy for the topic,American movies were raging on the scene and it's no case that the Professor himself was in a cinema bewildered by the deeds of the yankee horsemen destroyng an important Confederate depot and station vital to the defense of the Vicksburg stronghold.Comics and books for young people were full of heroes coming from the "Other side of the Pond" and toys shared the same lot.Yet the book had no warm reception,I mean it was sold and the editor RIZZOLI ,was forced to print a paperback version,but the success was not outstanding at all.It’s rather to say that buffs in Italy were at time very few and the level of book was and remains higher than that of the average readers.In other sectors somebody else tried to start the fire with a new spark,like Sergio Bonelli,the editor of Tex Willer,the famous comics.He had some books translated by very popular American authors,such as Fairfax Downey and Bruce Catton.It was all to no avail. At the end of ‘60s came Vietnam,the wave of protest especially in our universities,and in the largest part of the quarters of our culture,raised by left –wing ideas,U.S.A. were seen like the Enemy Number One.Needless to say,that the market was affected by this blow whose aftermath caused a sudden collapse of the timid work in process.It’s possible to say that it was needed to wait until the Internet Revolution turned up to solve the problem and revive the interest into something which less than 20 years ago seemed set for ever.Yes it was the Internet Revolution,thanks to sites and message boards built up by buffs,the new Millenium saw again the flame thriving and what had been left in a drawer was before the very eyes of hundreds of readers who eagerly awaited this moment.It is true that one must take carefully what occurs on the web and that it is easy to create a controversy here,but we must recognize that this item has a doubtless merit to have made possible what otherwise would not be.Let's try to figure out: what if you could not purchase books through the Internet?About 20 years ago I purchased my first book in English about the American Civil War.It was a rather good,but very old one:Stonewall Jackson and the American Civil War,by G.F.R. Henderson.I could trace it while reading a biography of Lawrence of Arabia and informed that it was one of military books much adored by "Orens" when he was a student.The book was written by an Englishman in 1898,all right,but DA CAPO PRESS has its site in New York. So when I went to the sole bookstore in Naples that at time being bargained books shipment from USA,I had to wait about 4 months to get it! I am referring to 1989!!!.
Nowadays virtual stores like IBS or LIBRERIA UNIVERSITARIA,have scores of these books in their warehouses or if you wish to purchase them directly,without go-between,you can go on Amazon and Abebooks and you are set. Same speech must be applied to magazines,which can be found in profusion at same addresses.To make a bibliography,unless you would not trust the lavish one drawn up by Luraghi in his book,was really impossible. I overcame the problem when I was in UK several times in the beginning of '90s, a nation notoriusly very interested in the CW.There I bought for the first time the magazine MILITARY ILLUSTRATED,which contained many titles about the conflict and so I had the opportunity to reckon on them and make my choice,according to reviews,but more than that to what I liked most.Today I have more than onehundred selected books about the American Civil War in my own library,it's not too much according to American standard,but it's so much if we consider where I live.By the way ,I was forgetting,STORIA DEL WEST,as the image you can see above FIAMME DI GUERRA(Flames of War),always by Sergio Bonelli,it's rather intriguing story of rebel soldiers captured at Antietam,who were sent on frontier in blue uniform,the so-called "galvanized yankees" to fight the Sioux.Why I say this? there always was a trend to mix the War of Rebellion,with the conflicts with Plain Indians.It was like a gigantic cocktail that was served at cinema too.Maybe or not maybe,it was the myopic concept,not to see the CW in its true core and to pile up everything that was in regard of America,like something so pictoresque,so colorful,but in the end without specific gravity.If many European generals,rather than readers had correctly evaluated the lesson of the American Civil War,the manslaughter that WW1 was,was never to occur.I was old enough to meet my mother's granduncle,who was a War veteran and I still remember with awe his words full of fear when he was forced like hundreds, thousands of his comrades,to charge with a bayonet fixed on his musket against the Austrian machineguns in the open field. He was still startled when he recalled that after a shell-outburst,about 15 shrapnels were thrust into his flesh,allowing him to leave the conflict prematurely in 1916.When I was some years later in those places near the border to Austria and Slovenia I was wondering how was possible that generals were so foolish or simply criminals,to order head-on assaults against artillery barrage or even a machine gun nest.There is no single city,town or even hamlet in Italy which has its monument of WW1,on the other hand the price we paid 650000 dead and more than a milion wounded,would be enough to dry up the male population of our country so the memory of that massacre is more than justified.And it was not only Italy and Austria.France,Uk, Germany and Russia were involved into this madness. How was that? As I was sayng the tactics of war were the first to pay the price of not taking heed of the lessons that might have been drawn from the American Civil War,and it's no commonplace to repeat what general Fuller wrote about 80 years ago that Lee and Grant were like two children playng with a new complicated toy, and that they are more than justified since 50 years later,marshal Foch didn't fare better than them. What is my purpose here? Surely I am not willing to lecture on generalship and strategy,just tryng to make a comparison to what later happened in the field of culture.Oblivious of the spins that so much changed in our history,the heir of our tradition tryed to wipe out from schools and university programs the tale of those events.They simply assumed that military history was useless and they banished it from every spot. As far as America was concerned,well it was not the case to look after so little events from such a distant corner of the world. "Corner",I mean which had to stand a comparison to European culture.This created dismay,confusion,depriving many people that might have been aroused in this topic of the pleasure to be lectured on this.This is the common question I am always asked not only by my students,but also by so many who have written or periodically write to me.They simply confess their ignorance and they are like children who must be taught in this field.Obviously,this is not my attitude,I do believe that they deserve certainly much more than a simple lesson. This is the main reason why 3 years ago I accepted to moderate a message board,switching from one to another according to circumstances,but the common denominator was :convey to them that what happened in America 150 years was a modern conflict ,something that changed for ever the course of history.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Capleton Heathen Rage 12 Image

Marrazzo Ferentino

At the opening to the public of the polygonal section of wall restored thanks to the contribution of the region. The Regione Lazio Piero Marrazzo preseidente came to Ferentino. We have intercepted and interviewed by making some questions about developing the area and the remediation of asbestos. In the latter part of the interview on the remediation of asbestos, the President has been unclear. At that point we thought it useful for a better comnprensione subtitled. Judge for yourself ...

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Which Ounces For Boxing Gloves Should I Get

Industrialization and environmental sustainability

In these days when the debate on whether a reduction in greenhouse gases has been the focus of public attention, we stop Bastamianto we asked in an interview with Augusto Pascucci, Secretary National Cem-Uil, whether it is possible an industry with low environmental impact in a particular area, such as Two Women, a battered industry, to be led and development work but that probably has undermined the future of "land" and health of new generations.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Church Men's Sheepskin Slippers

Questa è una delle foto scattate da me sul campo di battaglia di Petersburg,certo davvero nulla a che vedere con l'ambientazione ricreata in Romania,per girare Ritorno a Cold Mountain

La notte del 14 giugno 1864,i soldati dell'Armata del Potomac attraversarono il fiume James inconsapevoli dell'incubo che li attendeva.Erano già esausti dopo un mese di combattimenti,da quando cioè il generale Ulysses S. Grant li aveva guidati verso la capitale Confederata Richmond.Avevano affrontato l'Armata della Virginia settentrionale guidata da Robert E. Lee nelle battaglie di Wilderness,Spotsylvania Court House ,North Anna e Cold Harbor.Nonostante l'esito infruttuoso di questi scontri,l'avanzata dell'armata unionista era proseguita verso Sud.Il 14 giugno gli Yankees avevano attraversato the James River in order to circumvent the enemy armies and conquer the city of Petersburg, a vital component of the rail system in Virginia, given that there will join five lines, carrying supplies from across the federal government, especially by ports of Charleston and then Wilmington.In therefore Petersburg was the main base for supplies that were supposed to arrive in Richmond: If the Army of the Potomac was able to take it, would soon caduta.Dopo Richmond four days of fighting, from 14 to June 18, Grant was forced to lay siege Petersburg.I soldiers of both armies had to start digging holes and began a long and exhausting war trincea.Fu only il 2 aprile del 1865,che le truppe dell'Unione riuscirono a scacciare i Confederati dalle loro difese.Cinquanta anni dopo e a molte miglia di distanza,venne prese un'altra decisione di cominciare a scavare trincee.Dai primi giorni di agosto del 1914,fino alla prima settimana del mese di settembre,l'esercito tedesco aveva attraversato il Belgio e la Francia settentrionale arrivando praticamente alle porte di Parigi.All'apice del successo,l'avanzata tedesca venne arrestata quando la vittoria finale sembrava ormai imminente.Il 5 settembre affrontarono un grosso contingente di truppe francesi provenienti da Parigi.Sul fiume Marna i Tedeschi andarono incontro al disastro e furono costretti a ritirarsi.Giunti sulle rive del fiume Aisne il VII corpo tedesco della riserva cominciò to dig trenches blocking the way to the I Corps English: Allied counteroffensive had exhausted its momentum. In mid-October, a long line of trenches stretching from the Swiss border to the Sea Nord.La trench warfare on the Western Front had had inizio.I soldiers of the Western Front and the Northerners and Southerners in Petersburg had not been the first ever use of artillery fortificazioni.Gli developments in the late fifteenth century had rendered obsolete the medieval castles and fortifications that were needed in designing new able to cope with the threat of artillery, incorporating the same in an effective defensive structure. In the first half of the 500, the introduction of the bastion in the wars fought in Italia e i lenti progressi conseguiti dall'artiglieria avevano cristallizzato un pò la situazione che solo nel XVII secolo avrebbe cominciato di nuovo a fare progressi.Fu infatti nel 1600 che l'arte delle fortificazioni divenne una scienza e il principale artefice di questo cambiamento fu Sebastian le Prestre de Vauban,ingegnere francese vissuto tra il 1633 e il 1707,che fu il capo del genio militare di Luigi XIV.Vauban fu il primo a comprendere l'importanza del genio in guerra e creare un corpo di genieri militari.Sotto il suo impulso molte città francesi furono fortificate e ben presto le sue tecniche di costruzione sarebbero divenute un'autorità nel campo delle fortificazioni.Il contributo di Vauban destinato a lasciare una duratura impronta nel tempo fu però developing a systematic approach for the sieges, which was the foundation of what would later be manifested in the war of trincea.Basti think that the vocabulary used to describe the basic elements of trench warfare was in use among the military engineers to the 1st World War. An excellent example of Vauban's thinking and its techniques occurred in the siege of Yorktown in 1781, near the end of the American Revolution, which ended with the surrender of the garrison, commanded by British General Cornwallis, by troops of Washington.Fu But with the Napoleonic period that the tradition of Vauban zenith.Le reached the victories of Napoleon, in turn, inspired Antoine Henri Jomini, an officer of his staff that refused's emphasis on the Vauban fortifications instead giving more emphasis to the frontal attack en masse, as defeating an enemy with maneuver was extremely difficult for an army of large and required a genius like Napoleone.Gli Jomini's teachings became the method dominance of the conduct of the war until the Franco-Prussian War, were supplanted by Clausewitz.Negli United States, the thought of Jomini was the standard reading for students of West Point, but the 800 already in the 30s, an engineer Army of Dennis Hart Mahan had begun to challenge the thinking of Jomini.Dopo graduating from West Point in 1824 and spent several years at the prestigious school of engineering specializing in artillery Metz, had returned home in 1830 was appointed headmaster of his Alma Mater.Mahan rifutava offensive spirit of the thought of Jomini, considering it unsuitable for the U.S. Army, which consists of a body of professional officers and a 'undisciplined militia could not be wasted in futile frontal assaults, rather ought to prefer an active defense based on Mahan fortificazioni.A this purpose was based on very Vauban, updating his techniques that became "fortifications pitched" and that would have forced the enemy to launch massive frontal assault against the trenches that soon it would destroy the abundance, giving the victory to whoever was on the defensive.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

South Park Imagination Land. Greek Subs

The 11 th Mississippi

Twisted Bowels In Stroke Victims

Pickett Charge

Stomach Flu December 2009 Phoenix


by Joseph Squillante

Friday, October 24, 2008

All Nighter Wood Stove Manual On Line

Confederacy lost cause

Qui di seguito riporto in versione originale il resoconto steso da Kevin sul nostro incontro:

The Lost Cause is Alive and Well in Italy
I had a wonderful time yesterday in Richmond and Petersburg with my new friend from Italy, Giuseppe . We got an early start and headed straight to Petersburg for a tour of the earthworks and the Crater specifically. It was quite interesting for me to be able to converse with Giuseppe as both a fellow Civil War enthusiast and as someone who is curious about how others think about the Civil War. Giuseppe is a fellow high school history teacher and holds a doctorate in political science. His English is excellent so there were no problems at all between us. I was immediately struck by his level of interest in military history. He rattled off the names of older Civil War historians and more recent scholars and displayed a remarkable grasp of the battles and leaders. Giuseppe can tell you which division was in which corps and he could cite the officers as well. We started at the Petersburg National Battlefield Park where we tagged along on a guided tour. At one stop the Park Ranger asked if anyone knew anything about the battle of the Crater. I waited a few seconds and then raised my hand and cited a few facts. I was awarded a shiny Junior Park Ranger badge which I will wear proudly whenever touring an NPS site. Needless to say that he was very impressed with the battlefields and while we couldn't spend hours walking around each spot we made sure to spend a significant amount of time at the Crater where we sat for a nice lunch prepared by my wife. We ate Caprese sandwiches and drank Panna water which our guest very much appreciated. I think Giuseppe was most impressed with the battlefield at Malvern Hill. It is a wonderful battlefield that looks much like it did in 1862 and we took plenty of time to stand by the Union guns to survey and discuss the topography.
From there we followed the roads up past Glendale, Frazier Farm to Gaines's Mill and Cold Harbor where we took short walks on both battlefields. From there we drove to the Virginia Historical Society so Giuseppe could pick up some research material that he had copied and from there we made our way over to Carey Street for coffee and dinner. We talked for hours about our common interest and spent considerable time talking about the influence of the Lost Cause on our respective perspectives. For Giuseppe the influence is apparent from the first word. He is absolutely enamored with Confederate generals and considers them to be both morally and militarily superior to their Union counterparts. He is heavily influenced by the work of D.S. Freeman and films such as Gettysburg and Gods and Generals; however, at the same time he admires the recent scholarship of Gary Gallagher which questions the veracity of much of this traditional view. I appreciated Giuseppe's willingness to allow me to probe his thinking and he was very forthcoming. The most interesting aspect of all of this is that Giuseppe clearly understands that his influences are relatively narrow and have been shaped by the nature of the literature that he was exposed to at an early age. I was surprised to learn that he sees the war in strictly economic terms and even more surprised by a comment about the supposed loyalty of slaves to the Confederacy. I did not pursue the latter point with much force. The conversation highlighted for me the pervasiveness of certain assumptions about the Civil War.
I was also interested to hear Giuseppe place his interest in the minutia of Civil War battlefields in broader context. He pointed out that very few Europeans have such an interest in reference to their own battlefields. They are much more interested in the broader political and economic issues that are both the cause and consequences of war. This is more evidence that our own fascination with such details is more culturally specific to Americans than we would like to admit. There is nothing wrong with this, but it does point to the question of why. And no, just because you enjoy it is not a satisfactory answer.
All in all it was a fun day and I am glad that I took the initiative to offer to take Giuseppe around while he was in Richmond. He is now off to Washington, D.C., Gettysburg, and New York before he flies back to Italy at the end of the month. I made a new friend and am guaranteed a first-rate tour of Naples next time we are in Italy.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Conception Dates Who Is The Father

Videocon, the situation

topic back to the situation of Videocon, with this new video on the meeting in protest of the workers have had with representatives of IDV.
This meeting was projected parliamentary question of Mr Di Pietro, Donati, Scilipoti which has led to knowledge of the situation of the Italian Parliament Videocon workers. We were there too.
Meanwhile, as reported by the newspaper Il Messaggero on 18/10, arrived after a long wait for the response of the Indian family Dooth, owner of Videocon, which has indicated its intention to meet with the parties before the 7 / 11 to the Ministry of work, but the business plan which was to be presented there is still no trace.
Workers are increasingly exasperated with RSU and unions have prepared a poster to hang in the 91 municipalities of ciociaria asking for solidarity

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Dragonball Z Budokai 3 Sell

There are things in heaven and earth that humans do not need to know.

Yesterday we noticed that our mail official has been disabled. From
fifteen days, in fact, you do not receive mail, to our surprise, as they waited for news, and not important, however, important to us.
After a period of relative quiet in which we used to be blatantly ignored (light and gas them to us already detached, and even then, suddenly and without warning;
the computer it could not have, but we have our own and work), the mail, never mind.
Now, we do not censor savings of € 30 that the Province of Frosinone and which will be able to pay some paper stack, why pay the rest never used a Web site especially since we have started a blog aggratis, and that a mail Can you always aggratis in five minutes? Done!
Sure, guys, and we want to be informed in advance so that we equipped on time!
Such rudeness towards us (we call it rude because we are educated) do not understand!
Or does it?
Everyone can get an idea.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Is There A Headache Virus January 2010

The Lazio Region has decided to make the mapping of asbestos!

arrived in the office this morning we read this news for a moment there came a question: "Are we still dreaming?".
Instead it's all true, we began to work in a short time we managed to find all the information necessary to understand what it is. In practice
Region Lazio, in compliance with Law 257 of 1992 and DM 101 in 2003 , gave the Laboratory of Industrial Hygiene - Asbestos Regional Centre, ASL Viterbo , "the job of creating the mapping, which will know the overall picture of the MCA (Asbestos Containing Materials) in buildings or places open to the public, in industrial plants and abandoned sites ".
The design itself is divided into three stages of implementation that will take place at different times.

Phase . Deadline December 2008, census affects the following structures:
a) public buildings or public apertial.
b) brownfield sites.
c) extraction sites.
d) Large industrial plants.
e) pressure systems.

Stage . Start date not yet specified, direct detection and georeferencing of the structures surveyed.

Stage . Start date not yet specified, will cover the census of all private buildings containing asbestos, both civil and industrial, with the exception of the first and second stage.

Our hope soon to also become aware of the implementation of the second and third stages.

For the first phase of the census have been set up the appropriate autonotifica cards that will be sent to all public administrations and owners of buildings or facilities open to the public, with the deadline by the city to send the cards by autonotifica December 2008.
We are very keen to point out that for derelict sites are Provinces the ASL and ARPA (Click on the names of institutions will open directly to the contact page) have to report the presence of asbestos. We invite the citizens aware of derelict sites containing asbestos to the attention of those institutions that presence.
This is the link to the region that specifies the project
Here you can see the AutoFill tab

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Will Having A Goiter Affect My Vocal Cord

Modern War cyclorama

I quote directly from the review by Mark Grimsley
"An old adage has left us still believe that the slaughter of the American Civil War was caused by the precision and range of the musket rigato.Per first Earl J. Hess denies this assumption in a comprehensive and far more than any Another historian has done up to oggi.Vale la pena leggere questo libro e dovrebbero farlo non solo gli appassionati della Guerra civile americana,ma anche tutti quelli che sono interessati alla storia della guerra."
Stavo cercando uno spunto per avviare un tema che mi stà molto a cuore e l'ho trovato.Non credo che riuscirò ad esaurirlo in due parole anche perchè data l'entità della materia sarebbe riduttivo.Grimsley l'ho già presentato in queste pagine,ma vale la pena di spenderne due su Earl J. Hess.Insegnante di storia della guerra civile americana presso l'università di Harrogate ,nel Tennessee,direttore di diverse riviste specializzate E' uno degli autori più brillanti dell'ultimo ventennio,al suo attivo ha quasi un centinaio di pubblicazioni.Personalmente I very much enjoyed his version of Pickett's charge, but Hess is a person who wants to surprise with his latest effort certainly did.
things first though.
As is clear from the review point at issue is the rifled musket, and the amendment made by Captain Claude Etienne Minie bullet used to the weapon. In fact, the common wisdom has always held and continues to support the use revolutionized the weapon of war. JFC Fuller made it one of its flagship products, to the point of inserting a dissertation in part in a study done on Grant and Lee, he wanted to demonstrate the superiority of the former over the latter, or rather the membership of one the ranks of the leaders of the new era and the second time the two napoleonica.Nessuno fully understand the terrible power of the new weapon, but Aloro partial excuse there is to say that 50 years later, ie in the middle of the 1st World War generals continued to order dozens of fruitless frontal assaults against machine guns!
Even during the civil war many of his contemporaries were impressed by the increasing range of new weapon, in fact the rifle shooting ruled with absolute accuracy up to 500 yards, where the smooth-bore musket stopped to 100.Furono so impressed by this factor as to believe that was the determining factor that had prolonged the war of Secessione.Gli later historians have always maintained that he did dramatically increase the number of casualties in a battle that had reduced the number of decisive victories and had reduced much of the role of cavalry, making vain and moving charges at large distances the 'artillery.
First, according to Hess the impact was somewhat smaller than what we have always thought and in particular was limited mainly to the operations of sniping and fighting in the first linea.Inoltre the author is convinced that the capacity of the gun ruled to cancel the tactical line, widely used in the Civil War, was in fact limited by the low level of training of armies of two parts, the preference of most for shooting at short range, but more importantly the inability of the time you can shoot the enemy in considerable distanze.In Hess particular, focuses on the fact that the new bullets followed a parabolic trajectory, the average distance that flew over the heads of the enemy and creating two separate areas on the field of battglia, among whom was the sicuto who was shot by the enemy.
This is a little summary of the book, but go ahead and leave it to the author to speak
"He was right Paddy Griffith, who in 1986 argued that the rifled gun had affected little to change the face the battle in the war Civil?
Most historians have rejected this idea, but slowly some of them have begun to seriously consider this suggerimento.Io I saw the matter from a different perspective and I have written a book to share with readers my conclusions "
As Hess says makes us open another finestra.Nel 1986, Paddy Griffith, English teacher Academy Sandhurst and historian had written a book Battle Tactics of the Civil War, at least in part to refute earlier works and notably Attack and Die: Civil War Military Tactics and the Southern Heritage by Grady McWhiney , that there had been a revolution in tactics in the Civil War through the introduction of the rifled gun, and that the reason for the heavy losses in battle was the fact that the generals of the time did not fully understand this revolution.
Griffith in his book came to three conclusions
1) It 's true that the range of the gun was increased, but this advantage was more theoretical than real and in fact the range of the clashes of the American Civil War practice was not very different from the era of Napoleone.Le CW's losses were comparable to those of the European wars in the period 1800-59.
2) Second, a Napoleonic war was still possible, there had been no revolution
3) The American Civil War was not the first modern war as it has often been said, but the last of the wars napoleoniche.La first modern war was the Franco-Prussian conflict
Initially Military historians of the civil war looked with deep suspicion in Griffith's book party for the iconoclastic manner with which the author had brought forward the subject and partly because of the limited evidence base that adduceva.Con time but something has changed and some have started to become interested in this thesis, is a manifestation of the fact that a few months after its release the book by Hess has already become a landmark and the thesis Griffith, the new orthodoxy.

The Training Of 0 Stream

Crisis in the industrial sector in the province of Frosinone?

Having to go to the headquarters of the province of Frosinone to attend to matters concerning our civil service, we took advantage of the day on 2 October, when outside the headquarters of the province there was a trade union demonstration in the chemical industry and manufacturing.
Having heard that there were also representatives of Videocon have taken the opportunity to investigate the matter and whether the crisis of Videocon is linked to a more general crisis of the industrial sector of our territory. So indeed there seems to be, both by the words of the interviewees that the interventions from the stage, also were provided very worrying data on the employment situation and employment in the province of Frosinone, considered the first industrial province of Lazio.
Main this link connects to data on the employment situation
Watch the video.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Causes Of Magnesium Deficiency

"The Province" is aware of our work after three months and there is no mention

Sunday, October 5, 2008, page 42, "the Province", a local newspaper in the province of Frosinone, the title "Morolo landfill shock TAV under the bridge" in which he tells of << scandalo a cielo aperto lungo la zona periferica di Morolo >>.
The article closes with the following statements: << Una condanna pubblica e d'obbligo e viene da chiedersi anche come mainessuno si sia accorto dell'incredibile cumulo di detriti e scarti di ogni genere che da mesi giacciono nell'area della stazione di Morolo >>. We are happy that "the Province" dealing with these issues << in tempi in cui il dibattito sul rispetto dell'ambiente e sulla tutela è sempre più acceso e in una provincia, la nostra, dove finalmente qualcosa sembra muoversi sul fronte dell'ecocompatibilità >> and << le discariche dovrebberio essere ormai una cosa superata >>.
Bastamianto took care of that illegal dump in July 2008 with this video, which talks about the situation of the place from March of that year.
We regret that if "the Province" and other local media, had responded to our report three months ago, the news of the landfill would come to the attention first of all.

When Does Bulma Appear In A Bikini On The Beach

Compensation for asbestos victims

Codacons On site there is an alert about a compensation fund for asbestos victims. In the United States has created a fund to Qualle can also access the Italian victims of mesothelioma due to asbestos. Log on to the Fund does not involve any advance of expenditure. For more
information, please visit this page from the website of Codacons .
to access the fund you can download the form to be filled directly from the web page listed above.

Sympathy Gifts Loss Father

Martufi, the situation in Frosinone

23.07.2008 Ferentino The fire spread to the "Martufi Termoidraulica" alarming, and not just the population.
Local media attributed the phrase "it is also burned asbestos ..." the manager of ARPA Frosinone sentence thrilling as it is known that the asbestos does not burn.
Nearly two months after the disaster, the stock shows seriously damaged the asbestos roof, literally crumble in part because of high temperatures reached by the iron structure of the warehouse. Bastamianto soon I hope to document the remediation.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Electric Box Iphone Solutions

Finally, after years of restoration is new exhibition in the cyclorama of Phillippoteaux
These are some interesting video shot in the National Park

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Wording For Lawn And Garden Invitation

Marco Travaglio

On 24 September we went to the library Ubik Frosinone to see the presentation of the book "gag" of Marco Travaglio, Peter Gomez and Marco Lillo.
At present the book was the same Travaglio, who, speaking for more than two hours, gave us many interesting insights. In the end we were also able to interview him and give him a DVD with video of the Videocon created by us, and recommend it and share it. Published in the video
Marco Travaglio's speech and interview.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Can You Smoke With Gastroenteritis?

visitaalla During our videoconferencing, we did this interview with Alessandro Piscitelli of the UIL union-CEM, which explains the difficulties we had during a dispute with asbestos. Whether the point of view of the benefits of workers both for the remediation of sites.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Running Shoes Food For Flat Feet

Wicked Spring watch? v = n5ooBiCLlqA

good movie in the background of the campaign of 1864