Quei fischi tedeschi durante l'esecuzione del mostro inno nazionale, mi hanno fatto tornare al 1943-1944. A parte che non mi sono mai piaciuti lnè a musica nè le parole di Fratelli d'Italia (preferisco di gran luinga l'inno del Piave) a parte che anche i nostri tifosi di calcio sono delle merde (basta ricordare i fischi che si levarono, durante l'esecuzione dell'inno dell'Argentina, ai tempi di Maradona) quei fischi mi hanno fatto rivoltare le viscere.
Perchè hanno fischiato? Di risposte ce ne sono due: la prima è che tra i due popoli there has never been friendly. We had World War I (where we went we were their allies) and we picked up (quite rightly) by the Second World War (where we were once their allies) as to be considered, as a rule, real traitors.
Many of us, rather than the arrogance of the German surrender on 8 September 1943, preferred the clandestine life, hunger and wandering life of the mountains and, perhaps, at the appropriate time, the shoot 'oppressor. Okay, we could also be considered an unreliable people, but they killed us with massacres and killings of women, old people and children who have nothing to do with what was sucedendo in those years. Thousands and thousands of innocent victims.
In a murderess and a traitor, I'm on the side of the traitor, especially when the betrayal is the necessity of survival.
The second answer is that a people that like so many lemmings following a dickhead like Hitler, he feels right to despise a country that had as its leader as a puppet of Mussolini and Berlusconi as a madman. Faced with Merkel, hats. The Germans are people lifted from the rubble, have suffered unspeakable physical and moral humiliations by the Russians and Americans have rebuilt their cities, have had the courage to vote Social Democrat also for many years (and I quote for all Willy Brand) had been men like Adenauer and Kohl, they know they can do the work as a war, are in first place in the economy and European production. And we are screwed in search of a communism that did not exist, of a left that is unable to express even a leader and a state and a society that, by inveterate wanderers individualists, we will never have. If we do not save Europe (and the Germans, farewell Italy).
I could finally admit that the Germans have it with us if only for football reasons. Are almost never managed to beat the field and, most important occasions, they have always lost. So let's put it on the floor of the fans-Inter Milan, Roma-Lazio, Genoa-Sampdoria. Stuff slum. So the Germans last night were just a bunch of idiots.
Fortunately, our blue ball was in, well chosen, replied blow for blow to Germany's football spot and left the field with heads held high. At the end of the game, no one has dared to boo anyone.
To me though, as long as I, the Germans who are always on my goiter. Yes, for them, are a racist. We fought against them in my father 1915-1918 and I fought there in 1943-1944. I saw the blood runs intotno ... It was blood that could save. That is why when there's Italy-Germany, I wear the blue shirt and go on the pitch too. With the boots I had as a partisan.
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