Sunday, February 6, 2011

Chlorophyll Liquid Sinus

Mubarak and Berlusconi.

Il fenomeno Mubarak, prima considerato cacciato a furor di popolo, e poi reintegrato sia pure a titolo provvisorio (si fa per dire, spesso non c'è cosa più durevole della provvisoria) deve far riflettere anche in Italia.
Il 3 febbraio doveva essere il giorno di Berlusconi. Il rigetto the fiscal risotto Milanese had to create a rift between the premier and Bossi, and instead has invented a clever gimmick that the Government have not been saved, but I'd say go ahead strengthened.
The Berlusca is a bitch that he slams the intimations of Di Pietro, Bersani and Fini.
Casini is softer, evidenteente, as a former Democrat, must have the finest counselors.
Casini can play on all wheels. In my opinion, unfortunately, is the man who has the trump card up its sleeve. If it were a horse, and if you play for money, bet on it.
I know that the Prime Minister will not fall in parliament. Now what is proven and he knows that, to give him a hand, to enter the field CSTA Marco Pannella.
At this point, street demonstrations and seeking 10 million signatures, are things that are useless.
Berlusca The beat goes on the field of ideas. Morally (I'm not a moralist, but in a country of Catholic prudishness, this word has its value) has passed the exam. Its processes will be postponed indefinitely, it balls with lawyers and the charges against him will end up a joke. It is the moral that the prime minister is beatable. Di Pietro even knows that, for this very reason, is not più nulla.
La palla da rigiocare è nelle mani di Bersani. Finchè si diletta sull'antiberlusconismo di maniera (la carta Ruby conta quanto il due di briscola) non va da nessuna parte. Anche il catto comunismo ha fatto il suio tempo, essendo una forma di sinistrismo non gradita all'elettoralo.
Con pazienza e giocando sull'onda lunga, Bersani deve reinventare uno schieramento di opposizione alternativo che includa non solo il solito tradizionale scontento, ma che attragga anche tutti coloro che non accettano più di rassegnarsi al nulla da due anni ormai rappresentato da Berlusconi. Le sue rifffffforme non saranno mai prese in considerazioine neppure dai suoi. Il PDL is a party of business (good or bad does not matter because it means business customers for whole masses of power, including the working class).
I repeat to refound the Italian Socialist Party, to refer to the European Union, can do for my readers an annoyingly repetitive. But something Bersani and some of his (not sure Veltroni) can invent. There would be nothing to be shocked that, in the short term, it could ricrerare a unit of the left, that still does not have the point man as a unpresentable Vendola ..
The PCI is killed. Murders were Occhetto and Craxi. Other Craxi would have been if he had obtained from former Communists what they wanted: the social democratic alternative to the overwhelming Democrat.
But the basis of the PCI was serious, militant, a true hard core that Berlinguer led to 33 percent of the electorate. Fishing in the Catholic parties in a clerical-fascist country would riproseguire in a suicidal policy.
The opposition should change the way they behave, do not make constant reference to the square or general strikes, to present a screening program that applies to all those who want to live in a normal country where everything works (starting from the environment, the transpiration public health, school, city traffic). There are people who have been elected to an open door to what happens in the European Parliament. Of them if they do not know anything. They take the votes and they disappear.
It must come from Europe rather than the good news. There are countries like Denmark and Finland, Sweden and Belgium to follow. If you do not want to call the socialist alternative, call it European alternative.
I believe it. Berlusconi would do in that case only the figure of the poor province of Milan.


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