Saturday, April 16, 2011

Stomach Bug December 2009 Phoenix


starts the timetable for the initiatives of the children and Mother Earth (for the complete schedule click here )
The first event Friday, March 11th with the show LIGHTS ON LUCIO :

Lucio is the ego that child resides in every person: the most intimate, more authentic, fresher, more vital resting, often unseen, in our essence. Meet Lucio and found, lulled by his stories from his experiences and his thoughts, deep, yet light and life itself. Lucio has first and foremost his way of being alive, aware, sensitive and active. Tell us about the meeting with the Ape Pina, elegant dancer, and makes us feel his natural curiosity and creative opening in every experience. Do philosophy and asks, "Who says that reality does not exist?" Then reflected on ways to there, and not in things, letting us discover the meaning of the Presence. After a sweet monologue about the experience of death and of change that allows it, and sings the joy that gives us the ability to trust and surrender to joie de vivre. Lucio enlivened by the Spirit within us that step by step guide us in the experiences, when we are capable of listening and openness, supported by the vitality that comes from being alert and receptive. Lucio greets us then whispered: "Be the change things, making them enter."

Sunday, March 6, 2011

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Look for me on facebook. The book on

There are still a dozen people who seek me on this Blog. I feel sorry for them. I do not write more about this site. I decided, rightly or wrongly, but in order to provoke debate about my settings, to transfer all my journalistic activities and opinionistica on Facebook. Look for me there. Have more fun. Thanks.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Get Better Soon Cheesy

more and more '

The Tao of Degrowth click for article

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Sunday, February 13, 2011

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Balabanoff This was my second mother, my teacher.
He taught me life. I think I'm still a revolutionary on its own.
Search bookstores Amedeo's book entitled The Morning "I have never been quiet." It 's the story of a woman born in the midst of privileges, which would imitate the example of St. Francis.
Leave all the riches of his family and fighting alongside the poor and the exploited.
In Switzerland he met an anarchist named Mussolini. It was a desperate suicide with temptations. I comforted, instructed him, took him in the Socialist Party, won with the Congress of Reggio Emilia in 1912, ran along the newspaper Avanti.
Converting Missolini Guarro intervention of Italy in the first world, it meant a break with the Balabanoff, which has become leader of the pacifist in the period 1914-1918. Nal his exile in Switzerland, the Russian revolutionary Lenin went up to him and climbed into the sealed train that led to the subversive S. Petersburg to install the dictatorship of the proletariat.
only took a few years to understand the woman that was not the path of peace and justice. In 1924 he obtained a pass to return to Europe free, even in the years of the advent of fascism. Refugee in Paris, the opposite was Balabanoff Turati, Modigliani, and Treves, after the murder of Matteotti, were forced into exile.
Occupied France by German troops, the rivoluzioinaria had to take refuge in the United States to continue its conformist propaganda among the masses in America. alongside men as Gaetano Salvemini.
Only the defeat of Nazism allowed her to return to Italy, take the side of social Saragat contuinuare and, for the last days of her life (she died 96 years) to fight, with writings, speeches and conferences, the principles of freedom of women, workers and people more sensitive to the progress and social redemption.
Amedeo in the morning with my collaboration (I own all the historic photographs that depict the life of Angelica, including the cover) has published a book that I invite you to leggerre. Finally was recalled one woman who fought with courage and determination, against the Great Cyclops of capitalism and dttatura.

Friday, February 11, 2011

How To Get A Libra Man's Attention

Transfer. Those whistles

For several days I trasferitro on Facebook - Giorgio Giannelli.
E 'a more direct way to communicate with my friends from the old blog Versiliese Almanac.
While there have been a great success (26,199 visits), the blog did not allow me an instant transmission of thought. Occorreve wait one or sometimes two or three days. And the comment was growing old and the debate faded.
Now I think I have found a modo nuovo e più veloce di confrontare le mie idee con quelle degli altri.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

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Quei fischi tedeschi durante l'esecuzione del mostro inno nazionale, mi hanno fatto tornare al 1943-1944. A parte che non mi sono mai piaciuti lnè a musica nè le parole di Fratelli d'Italia (preferisco di gran luinga l'inno del Piave) a parte che anche i nostri tifosi di calcio sono delle merde (basta ricordare i fischi che si levarono, durante l'esecuzione dell'inno dell'Argentina, ai tempi di Maradona) quei fischi mi hanno fatto rivoltare le viscere.
Perchè hanno fischiato? Di risposte ce ne sono due: la prima è che tra i due popoli there has never been friendly. We had World War I (where we went we were their allies) and we picked up (quite rightly) by the Second World War (where we were once their allies) as to be considered, as a rule, real traitors.
Many of us, rather than the arrogance of the German surrender on 8 September 1943, preferred the clandestine life, hunger and wandering life of the mountains and, perhaps, at the appropriate time, the shoot 'oppressor. Okay, we could also be considered an unreliable people, but they killed us with massacres and killings of women, old people and children who have nothing to do with what was sucedendo in those years. Thousands and thousands of innocent victims.
In a murderess and a traitor, I'm on the side of the traitor, especially when the betrayal is the necessity of survival.
The second answer is that a people that like so many lemmings following a dickhead like Hitler, he feels right to despise a country that had as its leader as a puppet of Mussolini and Berlusconi as a madman. Faced with Merkel, hats. The Germans are people lifted from the rubble, have suffered unspeakable physical and moral humiliations by the Russians and Americans have rebuilt their cities, have had the courage to vote Social Democrat also for many years (and I quote for all Willy Brand) had been men like Adenauer and Kohl, they know they can do the work as a war, are in first place in the economy and European production. And we are screwed in search of a communism that did not exist, of a left that is unable to express even a leader and a state and a society that, by inveterate wanderers individualists, we will never have. If we do not save Europe (and the Germans, farewell Italy).
I could finally admit that the Germans have it with us if only for football reasons. Are almost never managed to beat the field and, most important occasions, they have always lost. So let's put it on the floor of the fans-Inter Milan, Roma-Lazio, Genoa-Sampdoria. Stuff slum. So the Germans last night were just a bunch of idiots.
Fortunately, our blue ball was in, well chosen, replied blow for blow to Germany's football spot and left the field with heads held high. At the end of the game, no one has dared to boo anyone.
To me though, as long as I, the Germans who are always on my goiter. Yes, for them, are a racist. We fought against them in my father 1915-1918 and I fought there in 1943-1944. I saw the blood runs intotno ... It was blood that could save. That is why when there's Italy-Germany, I wear the blue shirt and go on the pitch too. With the boots I had as a partisan.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

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Seek on Facebook. The proliferation of

I decided to stay on my business blog.
I repeat: stop, do not close.
The reason is simple.
Meanwhile no one comments on my articles or thoughts. Yet there is a chance to express their opinion, positive or negative that is. Instead, I write and nobody is straight.
It 's more attractive to write on Facebook, where people not only follow you, but argues, is lively, agrees and disagrees.
So fun.
then I feel that is objectionable Blog, in the true sense of the word. Usually, what you write on the blog, then move on Facebook, where it is most widely read and, I repeat, you can open a free debate. I noticed, however, that much I write comments on blogs, are filtered and then pass on Facebook.
At this point I do a test.
Suspend to write here and I invite you to try
Giorgio Giannelli
su Facebook
chiedendo la mia amicizia, qualora non lo sia già.
Non ci sono altri problemi, se non ringraziarvi dell'attenzione che dura ormai da qualche anno e darvi appuntamento su Facebook.

Monday, February 7, 2011

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gruppettari left. The last

Mentre Berlusconi-Mubarak regna imperterrito, la sinistra si sbriciola in tanti gruppettini.
E nascono nuovi leader, come Vendola (nuovo per modo di dire ) e Saviano (la vittima del regime, guardato a vista da una scorta armata, a expense of the regime).
Poor Bersani must beware of other Persian gruppettari, among other young, like D'Alema and Veltroni, Ciamparino and Morando and Cozzolino (Naples-Bassolino's friend) and then gruppettari of miscommunication (excluding Bindi that, that is orderly and in line and move if nun).
Now there is civil society that is on his own and took to the streets and the people Viola and Freedom and Justice, which, damn, they fill the squares and salt.
Purple people had the good taste to go and picket at home Berlusconi. Now bring the mad (because of the civil society there is always someone who knows how to operate well with a knife or maybe it's just come out of prison as an ex-burglar) seems to me a matter of bad taste, I would say infamous. What fault Cianna (write it just like that) to the neighbors to have to undergo a day Arcore casino? But how do you risk that someone beyond the gate (among other well-guarded by vigilant public and private) and then do what, when you find yourself in front of the Berlusca that makes you laugh and maybe invite you to take a villa in coffee? Now the prime minister, at least according to the news, every day seems jovial in the crowd, and greets and shakes hands, and so on. What we have to go to his house far che poi, quando hai a disposizione piazze e teatri?
Poi è successo qualcosa di sgradevoile e, allora, il popolo Viola si è scusato. Vabbè.
L'altra parte della società civile invocata da D'Alema, è quella di Libertà e Giustizia, presidente Sandra Bonsanti.
Non è un volto nuovo della sinistra italiana. Sarebbe come sapere che la presidente di un gruppo nuovo, fosse Miriam Mafai, vecchia giornalista parlamentare, compagna di Giancarlo Paietta, redattrrice di Paese Sera, Unità e, adesso Repubblica, con qualche puntatina in TV.
La Bonsanti, anch'essa, è una vecchia volpe della politica. Nata tra i privilegi della Firenze culturale del dopo guerra, ormai 74enne, subito redattrice, notista e "inviata" di Repubblica, già consigliera comunale a Firenze, eletta deputata a 54 anni per la lista dei progressisti, in simbiosi con il partito degli ex PCI, Non contenta di questa sua partecipazione a una "generica" società civile, fu per diversi anni direttrice del Tirreno di Livorno, organo della sinistra toscana. E quando si dice Livorno, si dice tutto.
Al Palasport ha aperto i lavori di L.G (una volta al tempo dei fratelli Rosselli c'era G.L. (hanno rovesciato le lettere, poco male) e ha detto che in Italia non c'è fascismo, ma siamo in un regime because there is a modern dictator. Words that say nothing, put together, perhaps, to create a new slogan. Modern dictator? We are in 2011, as the former dictator wanted to call? But there was already Mubarak?
Okay, we are in civil society also Umberto Eco, too, is no longer so young either, nor has he spent years haunted by having written everything I wanted. At one point, the famous writer asked: "What we came here to do," then he remembered and said to himself: "To defend the honor of Italy."
I remember when I was considered Badoglio, monarchist, James (Banditen Achtung!) partisans were pointed out as the "shame of Italy." The honor if the budget were taken into the fascist Republicans who wanted to continue the war alongside the Germans to defend the honor di'Italia "
Exactly. Bravo Eco, we wanted to remind you that 1943.
At the Congress of LG was also Roberto Saviano. I do not speak of him, because he always speaks so much, every night, the TV. But I will mention Carlo De Benedetti, the first card-which never took-PD. And above all parlerò di Oscar Luigi Scalfaro che ha avuto l'onore di veder passare, sullo schermo del Palasharp milanese, una sua applauditissima intervista agli intervenuti.
Oscar Luigi Scalfaro, clericale. Basta così. Basterebbe se non si fosse rivelato un puritano, un giorno al Lido di Ostia, quando prese a male parole una povera signora che, in un ristorante in riva al mare, gli apparve davanti appena un pò scollacciata.
Ce ne della roba, messa tutta insieme e a toppe varipinte come in un mercatino di periferia.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

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tricksy D'Alema.

Se Berlusconi è malato di demenza senile, lo segue a ruota il D'Alema.
His last find was to "open civil society."
If memory serves me correctly, this "civil society" I've heard for twenty years.
And therefore, I personally have long since joined the "uncivil society".
The scoundrel ex-chairman of the board, thanks to the worst of the clergy, Scalfaro, has only one purpose: to engage Casini (which is not so chicken, indeed, anything) to give him the post by Comrade Napolitano and present in a government with him to the Chambers foreign minister, blue car, blindata, scorta armata a disposiziome, aereo che lo porta in viaggi...di lavoro da tutte le parti del mondo, eccetera eccetera.
E' l'ultima furbata.
Se la sogna anche la notte. Non ha altre ideologie per la testa, posto che le abbia mai avute. Comunismo e bombe Molotof a parte.

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Mubarak and Berlusconi.

Il fenomeno Mubarak, prima considerato cacciato a furor di popolo, e poi reintegrato sia pure a titolo provvisorio (si fa per dire, spesso non c'è cosa più durevole della provvisoria) deve far riflettere anche in Italia.
Il 3 febbraio doveva essere il giorno di Berlusconi. Il rigetto the fiscal risotto Milanese had to create a rift between the premier and Bossi, and instead has invented a clever gimmick that the Government have not been saved, but I'd say go ahead strengthened.
The Berlusca is a bitch that he slams the intimations of Di Pietro, Bersani and Fini.
Casini is softer, evidenteente, as a former Democrat, must have the finest counselors.
Casini can play on all wheels. In my opinion, unfortunately, is the man who has the trump card up its sleeve. If it were a horse, and if you play for money, bet on it.
I know that the Prime Minister will not fall in parliament. Now what is proven and he knows that, to give him a hand, to enter the field CSTA Marco Pannella.
At this point, street demonstrations and seeking 10 million signatures, are things that are useless.
Berlusca The beat goes on the field of ideas. Morally (I'm not a moralist, but in a country of Catholic prudishness, this word has its value) has passed the exam. Its processes will be postponed indefinitely, it balls with lawyers and the charges against him will end up a joke. It is the moral that the prime minister is beatable. Di Pietro even knows that, for this very reason, is not più nulla.
La palla da rigiocare è nelle mani di Bersani. Finchè si diletta sull'antiberlusconismo di maniera (la carta Ruby conta quanto il due di briscola) non va da nessuna parte. Anche il catto comunismo ha fatto il suio tempo, essendo una forma di sinistrismo non gradita all'elettoralo.
Con pazienza e giocando sull'onda lunga, Bersani deve reinventare uno schieramento di opposizione alternativo che includa non solo il solito tradizionale scontento, ma che attragga anche tutti coloro che non accettano più di rassegnarsi al nulla da due anni ormai rappresentato da Berlusconi. Le sue rifffffforme non saranno mai prese in considerazioine neppure dai suoi. Il PDL is a party of business (good or bad does not matter because it means business customers for whole masses of power, including the working class).
I repeat to refound the Italian Socialist Party, to refer to the European Union, can do for my readers an annoyingly repetitive. But something Bersani and some of his (not sure Veltroni) can invent. There would be nothing to be shocked that, in the short term, it could ricrerare a unit of the left, that still does not have the point man as a unpresentable Vendola ..
The PCI is killed. Murders were Occhetto and Craxi. Other Craxi would have been if he had obtained from former Communists what they wanted: the social democratic alternative to the overwhelming Democrat.
But the basis of the PCI was serious, militant, a true hard core that Berlinguer led to 33 percent of the electorate. Fishing in the Catholic parties in a clerical-fascist country would riproseguire in a suicidal policy.
The opposition should change the way they behave, do not make constant reference to the square or general strikes, to present a screening program that applies to all those who want to live in a normal country where everything works (starting from the environment, the transpiration public health, school, city traffic). There are people who have been elected to an open door to what happens in the European Parliament. Of them if they do not know anything. They take the votes and they disappear.
It must come from Europe rather than the good news. There are countries like Denmark and Finland, Sweden and Belgium to follow. If you do not want to call the socialist alternative, call it European alternative.
I believe it. Berlusconi would do in that case only the figure of the poor province of Milan.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

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Enough with the crime.

The newspapers and TV gives ample space to chronicle nera. E' il refugio dei peccatori. Sono anni che mi batto contro il malcostume dei giornalisti. Pazienza i quotidiani, che hanno bisogno di vendere qualche copia in più, ma la televisione che entra d'autorità in vasa tua, magari mentre mangi, presenti i bambini, con spettacoli ripugnanti, non è più tollerabile,
Comunque, se il presidente della repubblica, in un suo recente intevento, ha messo sullo stesso piano giornali e televisione, ha fatto bene.
Ma non c' solo l'elemento disgustoso di informare l'opinione pubblica di tutti i delitti e di tutte le porcate che avvengono in Italia ogni giorno,
There is also the imitative element, highlighted by many psychologists in recent years.
One sees or reads of a crime, the police arrive, arrest the offender or the murderess, and he becomes a character. Copied by the sick minds.
E 'yesterday's news of a young man of 28, who heads a gang of mascalzaoni, has emptied warehouses of duty free dell'areoporto of Rome.
When the police showed up at his house to arrest him, he literally said:
"A inspection ', mo' m'avete got that, I want the picture in the paper." E 'was satisfied. The his picture is over on the messenger with the full caption: "Daniele Mancini, the thief took the polarity." Police aeronautical Polaria should mean.

Friday, February 4, 2011

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There is reason to worry (2).

The paradox of what happened in Tunis is one of the bloggers, Slim Amamou, thirties, who was arrested in the days of the uprising, is now Secretary to the Ministry of Youth and Sport in the new transitional government of Mohammad Ghannouchi.
A unique event in the world, I think.
why, too, I like to blog and facebook. Perhaps one day I will open the way to reach the Quirinale. After all, I only have one year less Napolitano's ...

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There is reason to worry.

What happened in Algeria, Tunis and even today in Egypt, is cause for concern.
Nobody is in favor of authoritarian and demagogic, but all are convinced that if there is a democratic alternative, it is better to live in the status quo.
I read that the new media, twitter and facebook are served in Tunisia to the rising insurgency. Facebook is, even if only partially, even our flag. Facebook is served, even in Italy, to create the purple people and to forge some popular protests, but peaceful.
In Tunisia, the tam-tam on the Internet has allowed people to avoid checkpoints, to arrange the routes of processions to open the gates to the symbols of power.
Comment one of the protagonists: "Today we learned back in politics because they do not even know what that means. But we know that something has changed: we can say no if we do not like something."
Just click on a computer keyboard.
's where my concern lies.
"We do not know what it means to do politics."
Even the Egyptian camel drivers who took to the field Cairo with scimitars in hand, they knew what it was politics. It has prevented the natural course of the revolt against Mubarak supported by the military.
No, too often, indeed always, in the square there is only one part, but two.
And here lies the problem.

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But when ever?

Solita rebuke of the clergy to the laity.
Civilization Catholic writes: "Morality, legality and justice must go back to being the cornerstone of society."
"They have to come back." But when ever in Italy, but perhaps also outside our borders (except of course ... those of the Vatican City) there have been cornerstones of morality, justice and legality?
In 150 years of national history, these hinges, at least me, I've never seen.
quote, year, men and schemes, please.

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Leaguers angry with Bossi.

Each day has its own penalty.
This time it's Bossi after his turnaround of the House yesterday.
Before the former celodurista threat: either the elections or vote.
Federalism the risotto alla Milanese is not passed in committee and Luii goes to bed.
Just read all the newspapers and facebook and we know now with certainty that the wave is mounting against trasformisomo the undisputed leader of the League.
The rogues (he and Berlusconi) have now passed a decree replacing the text failed. E 'uncertain countersignature of the President of the Republic.
contravention of this decree, as it seems in the opinion of prominent constitutional experts, everyone should get the option of paying the new council tax (IMU) and the same tax on waste. Were included in the new decree-risotto alla Milanese launched in extremis by the government, just to give a Bossi broth of encouragement. Operation vain ..
this is an illegal measure, which will certainly be rejected by the Constitutional Court, could iniziarre, hence, our disobedience to the powers fools.
Other than the 10 million signatures that deceive Bersani. The battle will not get more serious. All together.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Von Green Funeral Home

Presentation experiential BIOENERGETICS

Wednesday 2 February at 20:45 at the headquarters of
Robindart Factory as a Mark of day 15.

Exercise Bioenergetics stress.
experience that allows you to find:
- a space to listen to themselves
- knowledge / awareness of one's body and his way of expressing
- relaxation, vitality and regenerative force due to the possibility that this approach gives to ease stress and melt muscle tension, static or moving through postures, breathing and voice.
- slowly regain its integrity as a body, mind and emotions.

Leads: Volpi Tamara Miriam