Ulysses S. Grant, the winner of the American Civil War, the man who accepted the Confederate surrender at the hands of Robert Lee at Appomattox, he became President of the United States and should be in the pantheon of great Americans in the same figure that Lee, only in recent years had a true recognition of his greatness in the field storiografico.Come was this possible? Personally, I have to say that I was involved from outside observer of the history of the United States and in particular the civil war in this process that slowly over the decades put in the shade a second lieutenant general of the United States, after George Washington: Winfield Scott was the only way onorario.A Ulysses Grant, even before Robert E. Lee are tied to two flavors of infanzia.Collezionavo a sort of encyclopaedia called ALL KNOW, collected from a comic book action Cattolica.Purtroppo do not have it anymore, but remember that in the first volume, which talking about famous people in history, there was just him, Ulysses Simpson Grant.In fact his name was Hiram Ulysses.Dopo have provided biographical data, was analyzed an episode highlight of life of the character in question, in his case was the capitulation of Vicksburg.Un another memory, which are dear to me for years was a passionate reader of Tex Willer, is perhaps one of the finest adventures of Tex, Sunset Red, which speaks of the Civil War and the Battle of Shiloh, which obviously could not display the general Grant.Quando I approached in a serious study of this shocking event, but the first book I bought was a biography of Stonewall Jackson and I could not be attracted to other major player in the conflict, of course Bobby Lee.Grant ended in oblivion, in quotes, if my American friends would say I could talk here that the Lost Cause hit ancora.Chi makes history seriously or at least those who try do not like me a responsibility to recognize that we are in the presence of a large, a man who has never had the recognition, and if it has not had in their country as it could save him granted abroad?
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