reference to the draft of the Lazio Region to map the area affected by the presence asbestos, information here , one month after the activation of the project we read the news shocked that government agencies are among those who have given a totally inadequate response to the appeal of the region to indicate the presence of asbestos at 'internal structures ...
The disposal of asbestos is part of the broader issues of health and the environment. If the public sector is not the first to consider the health of citizens and protecting the environment, ignoring a fact often appeal to a committee which the Region, we wonder what are the lessons to be learned from this lax attitude of local authorities and if the Their function is really the to improve the lives of citizens such as the constitution and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
addition, the Lazio Region has generated a set of user-friendly for the presence of asbestos. For information contact: Team Mapping Asbestos-Lazio tel.0761-5185239, e-mail @ mappa.amianto asl.vt.it.
You can also consult the websites: www.prevenzioneonline.net and www.laziosaluteesicurezza.it
remember that the reporting by public bodies should be sent to the Region by 31/12/2008 ...
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