Saturday, September 13, 2008

Chinese Restaurant Wedding Sacramento

Giuseppe Rufino Mark Grimsley and Kevin Levin Books

Il mio soggiorno negli Stati Uniti non si è limitato alla Pennsylvania.In Virginia mi sono incontrato col mio amico Kevin,visitando il campo di battaglia di Petersburg,Cold Harbor e della battaglia dei Sette Giorni.Presto inserirò anche le foto che ho scattato a Richmond.
Kevin è un docente di storia in un liceo di Charlottsville in Virginia,ma è originario del New Jersey.Sulla scia del successo riscontrato dal blog di Mark Grimsley,un altro degli autori emergenti americani ha creato circa tre anni fa un blog tutto suo che è specificamente dedicato alla memoria della guerra civile americana,infatti si chiama CIVILWAR MEMORY.Essendo per deformazione professionale un laureato in filosofia Kevin tende in ogni suo articolo a scandagliare fin nei dettagli più profondi ogni aspetto della guerra e sopratutto the impact it has had on the soul americano.In this has created something unusual, very un-American, and then under it are very strong especially originale.In his stances against the Lost Cause, that in all facets to the American scholar is a thing of the past in American society, in a particular way in the south has not yet liberata.Su all I can think of the opinion that Kevin's question, or rather, in his words, the legend of Black Confederates, the soldiers of color in droves have embraced the cause of that same federal government that held them in bondage.
Our friend suffers much a typical setting for the most recent current American historiography in one of the leaders is surely Gary Gallagher, which I consider a brilliant storico.Gallagher repeatedly has debunked many myths of the lost cause, but found the opposition and is often found in those groups of colleagues who tend ever to catalog the events stagni.Gallagher compartments was one of the authors of the last two decades that has brought back military history, which many academics in the post-Vietnam had placed in the drawer of his scrivania.Ha done more he pulled the row of a speech far more comprehensive and ambitious with its own publishing house of the CHAPEL HILL UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Unquestionably his most varied and interesting remains CONFEDERATION OF THE WAR THAT I stated in the blog, but in fact I just made a accenno.L 'most interesting aspect of the book is one in which unravels the skein of Confederate strategy in the war years, or rather a lack of general strategy that prevented the federal government in vincere.Lee this is not a target to hit, is not the MARBLE MAN Nolan, but it is certainly not the invincible leader who Jubal Early and Douglas S. Freeman handed down to us. Instead seen in all its essence, a Napoleonic general mold, which defends the interests of an "empire" unhistorical, doomed from the start to the defeat and disintegration.
Kevin obviously has breathed this atmosphere, among other things, he and Gallagher are neighbors ...., but apart from the obvious considerations have to say that his support has certainly brought him to do certain considerations.
Before long Kevin will be in the library, has been working quite a bit about the Battle of the Crater, which occurred in the siege of Petersburg.
It seemed appropriate to make this lengthy presentation that wants to be a prelude to the images you see.


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