Saturday, October 30, 2010

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the right image

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From site

I had a dream, it's wonderful and I no longer want to wake up.

I dreamed that one day, one day soon, tired of waiting and hoping for better times, the most active sectors of civil society will gather together to organize the political change in our country, creating a 'credible alternative , serious, reliable, all Italians will be able to embrace beyond the politicians from their paths.

A new political entity, unrelated to party all the old logic.

A movement founded on a simple "common sense" ; enough to understand that recycling is a thousand times better than incineration, that energy conservation and renewables are the real alternatives to the madness of nuclear power, which the great works are only to big business while the "small works" those who actually improving people's lives!

chi-siamo2 a movement that knows when to say yes it's time to say yes and no when it's time to say no, in a clear and understandable to all, yes to integration, respect for diversity, pluralism, freedom of information, to peace. No racism, exclusion, the monopoly of information, censorship, war and all forms of violence. This will

, reflecting together on the content, that representatives of civil society, gathered around a table-will realize that many of them among the most common points than they have ever had any in-house party in republican history. You realize that you have created in all these years of silent work, not only a horizon of shared values, but also a true "program" of actions to be taken to revive the country, a program based on a vision of society that no party-until now-has never really promoted .

And so, showing a wisdom that has never been seen in Italy, these leaders of a movement without leaders "consciously choose to do each a step back, to be able to do ten forward together.

I dreamed that everyone put aside for a moment a touch of pride, rather than legitimate ... I would say almost sacrosanct, for the wonderful trails that has created so far and give up its signature, your name, your logo, to see its contents open to the entire society. It will be a

act of courage and greatness of soul , as well as forward-looking humility!

An act of historic significance, which will open a new scenario for the country.

It will be so that in one day decide to merge all together-for a common goal-the voluntary associations, committees, movements and civic lists, local networks of municipalities and local virtuosos, the world of fair trade and fair trade groups, the experiences of ethics and consumer finance critic, the world ecological and pacifist, the Committees for the common good and all those fighting against the mafia ... to create a unitary political extraordinary project and open to every honest citizen of our country!

all together will create a party based on the common sense and based on honesty , starting from the beginning to present its program on the Internet, in squares, in all the magazines of civil society, in the toilets and beach huts mountain, waiting lists of pediatricians and the Post Office, pubs and concerts ... driven by the enthusiasm of millions of volunteers of all ages who are finally pleased to civil commitment for your country.

chi-siamo3 polls soon detect the enormous weight of this party, so soon, the TV will no longer ignore it and so the visibility will be multiplied.

Attempts to discredit him-and there will be many-will fail miserably, because the credibility of the people who represent you that can not be removed so easily.

The best representatives of civil society, in fact, engage in this challenge that history has placed in their path.

The other parties, terrified, as they can react, the old way, making amazing promises which now no longer believes in Italian and suggesting that representatives of the new "party" may not be up to the challenge, too inexperienced for the mechanisms of politics and economics ...

At that point, however, no one will listen to them or replicate, because the "government program" of the new reality is now clear to everyone and especially it seems written by people, finally.

It will cut investments in expensive and unnecessary weapons, as well as all the Caste privileges shameful, we strongly reaffirm the value of culture, public education, public health, dell’acqua pubblica, si ridistribuirà finalmente la ricchezza nel paese dopo decenni di accresciuta disuguaglianza, si stringerà un patto di solidarietà fra le generazioni che interromperà quella odiosa “guerra fra genitori e figli” sul piano professionale, sociale ed economico.

Liberi dalla paura , così a lungo strumentalizzata per fini elettorali, si ritroverà il piacere di uscire di casa, di stare insieme, di incontrare l’altro. Il razzismo sarà sconfitto dall’amicizia (e quando è il caso anche dall’amore) promossa da precise politiche volte a favorire l’incontro fra le culture.

experiences after countless virtuous -acclaimed and successful-will be used as models to draw national policies, now marked by a healthy pursuit of happiness, rather than on the absurdity of the unlimited growth of GDP.

chi-siamo Employment restart based on a more solid, free from fluctuations and speculative finance, and more specifically focused on the real economy, green energy, local trade, solidarity. A solidarity across borders that will also address the global challenges of hunger, thirst, illiteracy, child labor, with the necessary effectiveness.

I dreamed that the overwhelming majority of Italians -honest people who get up in the morning to go to work, does the line at the post office respects the red-light will be in the "Party of common sense and honesty" their natural reference to the elections, and millions of citizens who had left the vote because exasperated and disappointed, no longer having to return to the polls to choose the "lesser evil", but finally being able to choose the "best"!

And so the elections will be a real triumph and people will come back to smile , free gray veil that prevents today look to the future with hope and serenity.

The ideological divisions will soon be forgotten and our grandchildren one day fail to understand, study the history textbooks, as we could spend a long time before we become aware of the strength necessary and sufficient capacity to make this peaceful revolution, before becoming aware that this dream could actually become reality.

joins in the

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Construct A Concreate Bathtub

Educational Facilities

The Council Area has provided some relief to meet the needs of students who prefer to assimilate in the longer term (as opposed to the traditional five years) the concepts and teachings of the plan of study.

E 'was thus enabled an educational alternative documented on the website of the Board.

You can download the information: download

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Is It Normal To Have Spots On Your Tongue

schedule lessons

Notice is hereby given that the class schedule is published on the faculty website.

Look here

Monday, October 18, 2010

Motorcycle Helmets Army

Wednesday, October 20: Appeal Students beginning courses

Letter from the Dean

Dear Students We have delayed the start of classes to emphasize the difficulties that beset the university with strong cuts in ordinary the suspension of the turnover that severely limits our growth prospects and the part of researchers who do not actually recognized by the law under discussion in the Chamber on their role in teaching and research.

The protest has enabled us to disseminate more widely the belief that investing in research in the University and is the best way to invest in the future of our country. The start of the lectures and other occasions appropriate program allows us to maintain this protest, however, always maintaining your expectations.

We understand the importance of our mission, and then with some sacrifices in the organization of training, I tell you that
courses will start on Wednesday, October 20 , maintaining the characteristics and quality of teaching always we delivered.

Welcome to the Faculty of Engineering and good work

Saturday, October 9, 2010

The First Time I Travel With A Plane Essay

: Monday's meet in a classroom (at 11, Via Eudossiana 18 - Faculty of Engineering)

Monday 11: Classroom 1, Faculty di Ingegneria.

IL 14 ottobre si discute il DDL Gelmini alla camera. É l’ultima possibilità che abbiamo per dar voce alla nostra protesta, per farlo è indispensabile la presenza di tutti all’assemblea di facoltà convocata dagli studenti e dai ricercatori per lanciare una settimana di forte mobilitazione nella nostra facoltà.

Mobilitiamoci tutti e tutte per difendere L’UNIVERSITA' PUBBLICA !!!!!!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

What Is Body Muscle Percentage


Volentieri segnaliamo che oggi (giovedì 7) alle ore 11, TG3 effettuerà service on the protests launched by our faculty.

all Meet at 10.45 at the cloister of the Faculty of Engineering (via Eudossiana 18)

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The reasons for the disagreement: contributions by students of the Environment and Territory "

Since 2008, the response to the economic crisis by Berlusconi's government consisted of a policy of indiscriminate cuts to public sector including no exception university and research sectors fundamental to the overcoming of the crisis. The depletion of supply

university began with the approval of Law 133 of 2008.

This law provides the opportunity for public universities to become private foundations, by imposing a cut of 1.3 billion euros and not allowing an adequate exchange of teachers, blocking the turnover.

The effects of this law are also evident in our power where it is becoming difficult even to enroll due to the introduction of closed numbers and where the educational effort is supported largely by researchers on a voluntary basis.

to all of this, it is currently adding the prospect of approval of the bill in mid-October 1905 Gelmini, whose role is to completely redesign the organization of universities: faculty and departments assume new functions and organization of teaching and research goes to relate more to public rather than private control bodies.

direct consequence of the privatization and corporatization of public universities and the uneven allocation of funds based more on market than on safeguard the right to education.

From the perspective of students, the DDL Gelmini, besides bringing a deskilling of teaching caused by a lower offer, is challenged by the introduction of the fund for the credit. This fund serves no other purpose than to bestow a scholarship for students recognized as "capable and deserving," bag that can be provided by private entities but after completing their studies should essererestituita, previously a student into debt even before they enter the world of work.

because the demand is the abolition of student and non legge133 Gelmini approval of the bill to protect the fundamental right of our Constitution as the right to study.

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Debate organized by the students on the reform" Gelmini "

18 hours Thursday, October 7: via Eudossiana 18 - Cloister of Faculty of Engineering

"Aperitivo information" in view of the event (October 8) of world of education in which students of Wisdom have decided to join.

Through interventions, screenings and information materials will address the issue of reform Gelimini starting from 2008 and leading a protest of the history of the mobilization of the university.

aim of the meeting is also to be able to draw as clear as possible a common strategy of protest and mobilization that will make the student movement more effective and strong.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Cancer Diagnosis Sympathy Letter

Press Assembly continued student of Engineering University

To view the full press release see comments to post to Friday, October 1, 2010

"worry all together" : Monday 12 am worried about the permanent garrison engineering organization for students a luncheon at the conclusion of the faculty. Assembly are invited students, teachers and researchers with the following agenda:

Discussion on how to use time and space vacated by the university extension beginning with the teaching of information and training events, internal and outside the borders of the faculty.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Do Women Like Sitting On Men's Faces?

pre occupied

press conference. Present the deans of several faculties of Engineering

was held today at 12.00 at the Faculty of Engineering of Sapienza University of Rome, the conference aimed to work out the issues through the implementation of major legislative initiatives in the pipeline.