In turkish Kurdistan is still dirty war against the Kurdish people and against its democratic structures. A war waged in violation of any law or international agreement which Turkey has signed.
Vast areas of the country have declared war zones, equivalent to open-air prisons for millions of people. The Kurds return to villages being burned and evacuated by the Turkish armed forces resulting in exodus of civilians who are forcibly forced to flee their homes and their land. The forests, contrary to the Conventions international, are burned as not to leave preparations for use in the Kurdish guerrillas, and an entire ecosystem is so devastated.
resume indiscriminate killings of civilians guilty only of being in a war zone. In cities, however, there are violent physical abuse and killings of civilians "guilty",
in some way, to show their membership of the Kurdish people.
The dramatic situation of children imprisoned by the Turkish Kurds have been high on the international level. Recent reports by Amnesty International (June 2010) and the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Council of Europe, Thomas Hammarberg outline, with all the drama of the event, a situation unsustainable and unjustifiable in terms of legal and humane. More than 4000 children and hundreds on trial those who are still detained in adult prisons, offenders often have only taken part in demonstrations or throwing objects at the armored police. The recent reform of the Counter-Terrorism Law (July 2010) the result of campaigns and international pressure will lead to the release of some imprisoned children, unhealthy, because of the many exceptions and exemptions that contains the status of a breach of the UN Convention on Rights of the Child, signed by Turkey itself. There are still dramatic prison conditions and remains a real risk for children to be jailed for taking part in street demonstrations.
A people in jail but that is not possible to reduce the silence. In prison as more than 2,000 mayors, local government officials, human rights activists and representatives of civil society, the extraordinary statement
election Kurdish Democratic Society Party (DTP) in local elections of March 2009 continue to be arrested en masse. Imprisonment
covered by State secrecy, so that the charges were released only after 14 months from the time of arrest. Even here, once again, dialogue, policy option is chosen by the authorities Turkish, instead of giving space only to the interests of the lobbies of the war and some political forces are already involved in campaigning for national elections in 2011. Elections in which the Kurds will participate in the party of peace and democracy (BDP) that after the forced closure of the DTP in December 2010 has become the political force that represents the Kurdish people and its demand for recognition of rights and a peaceful resolution and Democratic Kurdish question. A request to which it aspires strongly that part of the Turkish population that does not identify with a state violator of the basic rights of its citizens.
The same war against the guerrillas of the Kurdish People's Defence Forces (HPG) is conducted in a manner and with brutal methods that do not respect the Geneva Convention on treatment of prisoners and the conduct of armed conflict. The bodies of guerrillas killed maimed and injured are macabre enough to make it impossible for families to recognize. In many cases the bodies were burned and was prevented families the right to celebrate the funeral. He returned to be the widespread use of poison gas as a weapon of mass annihilation.
We, as representatives of the Italian civil society, we can not tolerate the way of dialogue and confrontation
be destroyed and annihilated in this way;
- condemn the behavior of Turkey, preventing people Kurdish to grow and to articulate the political point of view, it ends up perpetrating a cruel and endless war for the consumption needs of internal power;
- we believe that the Kurdish question can never be resolved without a real commitment by the Turkey, for a true democratization of institutions and not to allow Kurdish people to be accepted and considered as a political actor with whom dialogue on an equal footing;
- we believe the abolition of the law on counter (which allows detentions and abuses in derogation of the same Criminal Code) one of the basic steps to take to reach that democratization
- we believe necessary to enable a reconciliation Real Turkey's accession to the International Criminal Court in The Hague and the ratification of the Rome Statute in order to allow the justice due to close with the years of the dirty war and to build peace, but basing it on a major accountability of the State and its various minions to aid victims of abuse;
- we therefore ask the whole world of Italian peace, to those who still work to another world based on respect, dialogue and mutual recognition, not to leave alone Kurdish civil society.
October 18 will start the trial of mayors he Kurdish civil society. We, as Democrats, operators peace, cooperating, we are committed, now, to be present in court, where it will be processed Kurdish democracy, to show the sense of international solidarity.
With the arrival of Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Ocalan in Rome, November 12, 1998, began, from Europe, the assault on the sky of the Kurdish people. On November 13, 2010, wanting to rebuild a symbolic link to those days, we will be square in Rome with a major national event because we think that "Piazza Kurdistan" calls us, that those eyes of Kurdish and Kurds who now crossed more than a decade is still demand justice and hope in the peace and liberation. That this could be a great opportunity to show the Italian and Turkish authorities that the Kurdish people is not alone. We hear the cry for freedom in Europe that comes to us today from the Turkish prisons and courtrooms. We live in the hope of freedom and peace of the Kurdish people